Potassium Olivoyl - Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein - Myristyl Lactate

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein reduces hair's porosity and strengthens it from within, making your hair healthier, shinier, and easier to style. This protein increases your hair's ability to receive and retain moisture. It helps reduce breakage, eliminates frizz and tangles, and makes your hair appear fuller.

Rich and creamy foam, adequately formulated grants deodorizing, exfoliating, disinfecting and antidandruff properties. Emollient, moisturizer, lubricant, detackifier, solubilizer, gloss aid, pigment wetting agent/dispersant in various cosmetic applications.

Very mild co-surfactant, excellent lather and rheology. Adequately formulated has deodorant, sebum control skin and hair moisturizing properties. Very mild surfactant, good foaming, thickening and rinsability, ideal for facial cleansers and baby products.

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Potassium Olivoyl-Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein-Myristyl Lactate Powder Supplier, Potassium Olivoyl-Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein-Myristyl Lactate Powder Cosmetic Ingredient, Myristyl Lactate raw material supplier, Potassium Olivoyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein-Myristyl Lactate powder api manufacturer.

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